Posts in Travel
Lake Mead

An evening view of the "upstream" side of the Hoover Dam, showing just how low Lake Mead has gotten after several years of drought in the Southwestern U.S.  The impressive new Mike O'Callaghan – Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge (U.S. Highway 93) can be seen spanning the canyon behind the dam.

Hoover Dam

A wide perspective on the Hoover Dam, and the old highway which used to take vehicles across the top of the dam.  This was taken from the new U.S. Highway 93 bridge which now bypasses the dam.  The dirty bathtub ring of Lake Mead, which has been affected by years of drought, can be seen behind the dam.

Gas Works Park

Who says it's cold and rainy in Seattle?  This aerial image was taken on a gorgeous summer evening at Gas Works Park, on the north shore of Lake Union, close to downtown Seattle.